Member-only story
Quit The Hustle
I have no idea who first came up with the concept of the online hustle, but I’d like them to be the first person lined up for the firing squad when the revolution finally comes.
To be clear, I’m not against ‘The Hustle’. If you’re busting your hump trying to get somewhere, I think that’s commendable. However, I believe ‘The Hustle’ has been co-opted by two online groups: The Online Marketing folks, and the Instagram Fakers. I can’t decide which is worse.
The Online Marketing people at least tell you that there’s work involved, I’ll give them that. But there are one or two of them that believe that hustle means working what amounts to 20 hour days, but that’s ok because when you’re in your 20s, you can handle it. We’re not built to do that, not at any age, not for a prolonged period. The body and brain will break down. That’s not a prediction, that’s my experience. I did it for about ten months before I had to stop, and it wasn’t a gentle suggestion that I do so, it was me passing out and hitting the floor face first and hard. Why would I do something stupid like that? Because I believed the hype. I believed that working your ass off, being the first to get there and the last to leave, and believing 40 hours a week was for losers. I believed it because my dad did it because people I looked up to did it. All of us, every single one of us, pays the bill when it comes due. Shortly after my…