Member-only story
Nasty Nick from the Garbage Pail Kids On NFTs
Chocolate the Moose and I talked about NFTs the other day, and we’re worried about the Bored Apes. Choccy’s one of the original nine Beanie Babies, although I don’t know why you’d know that. You may not remember me either; I was the first Garbage Pail Kid. There was a time when that would have gotten me an excellent rail or two in the back at Club Tarjeta, but we forget our elders quickly in this game. I mean, when was the last time anyone even booked a Wacky Wallwalker for so much as a walk-on? EXACTLY.
Anyway, Choccy and I were over near the coffee and donuts at the meeting I’m not supposed to tell you we attend. We looked over at the empty folding chairs at the back of the church activity room. We started openly asking ourselves who would be claiming some of those chairs soon. We always hold one open for Tamagotchi, of course. It seems like she made a turnaround, but you never know. Next week she could be back here completely fucked up and asking who’s holding the rock. Then Pet Rock would say something inappropriate, and we’d have to call the police again. It’s a regular occurrence.
I’m not excusing PR’s behavior, don’t get it twisted. We’ve all been Pet Rock, or we all will be. I’m just saying. But these apes, man. They just don’t know what’s coming, do they?