Milking A Dry Cow

Kris Roley
2 min readJan 7, 2022
Photo by Flash Dantz on Unsplash

What in the frosted flake fuck is with everyone on this platform writing about how much they make here? Here’s an example of a headline I fully expect to see shortly:

How I Made A Bajillion Dollars Off My Article That Made A Bajillion Dollars About A Snake Eating Itself.

Maybe I need to curate my feed better than I do, but I swear to God, Dog, and Bob that the majority of posts I see are along those lines. It’s annoying. I’m glad you made whatever you made. Mazel Tov. Now let me know who you are beyond that. If all you do is write about how much money you’re making, you’re going to get old quickly.

You don’t get to market by milking a dry cow. If that’s not a saying, it damn well should be.

I wonder what Medium thinks of this. They don’t curate or distribute articles about Medium last I checked, so what’s the advantage? It’s probably schmucks like me that click on the bait and give them reading time and money.

I want you to click on my stuff and read it because you like what I have to say. If it makes money, that’s great. I was not worried about money at the very beginning of this challenge. I’m still not. If I make something you all want to read, the eventual result is money. I’m trying to practice writing something every day, as I said before. I’m trying to practice consistency. If there’s any other muscle…

